9 October 2010 | Mariechen & Gerhard | De Hollandsche Molen

Mariechen and Gerhard had their ceremony at the NG Toring Church in Paarl (my second wedding there in 3 weeks) and we stopped for photos on our way to De Hollandche Molen. 

This was my second wedding at De Hollandsche Molen.
A very nice and big reception hall, unfortunately there aren't place for wedding photos.
Mariechen got dressed at Nantes-Vue Guest House in Paarl.  A lovely Guesthouse with some great alternative photo opporunities.

I hope you enjoy this 166 photo post, be patient, it might take a second or 2 to load :)

 The top and bottom photo is taken just a few seconds apart.  I love to use off camera flash, here you can see the difference between shooting with and without the Off Camera Flash system.

Getting the cork flying out...  (another good timed photo follow later)

 Mariechen threw here bouquet to high and knocked out one of the light bulbs, you can see the light bulb fall on the bottom photo :)

Reception venue:  De Hollandsche Molen

Preparation venue: Nantes Vue

Dress: Ilse Roux

Hair: Nicolene (Studio Image)

Shoes: Bride & CO

Flowers: Blomlief 
Email: marlizeblomlief@telkomsa.net

Cake: Nelle Cakes

DJ/Music: DDJ Productions
083 300 1331

Make-Up: Salon Peri (Wellington)
Anne-Marie van Zyl – 083 232 2321
Mariaan Matthee – 083 230 8232


  1. Die fotos is besonders. Jy het al ons verwagtinge oortref. Dankie vir die detail en oorspronklikheid. Van 'n baie tevrede egpaar.

    Gerhard & Mariechen Brand

  2. Beautifull, beautifull, beautifull.....
    Ilse Roux

  3. Fotos is pragtig! Wil net graag nog meer sien!
    Uitstekende detail in foto's.

  4. Dankie weereens vir ons fotos op jou blog... dis ongelooflike nice fotos! En die service providers is net so happy...

    Nogmaals dankie - en almal is impressed! Ek kom amper elke dag op om weer te kom kyk!

    Een comment wat een van my vriende (Gerhard se klein neef - wat ook die orrel gespeel het) gemail het vir my op FB

    Boeta Genis October 13, 2010 at 9:35pm
    Subject: agapé
    mariechen, al woord wat jul fotos kan beskryf.... ONGEFLIPPENLOOFLIK MOOI!! Ek kan sien huko hy photographer of the year was. Sy werk is FANTASTIES!!

    Nou ja dit sê alles! Dankie weer!

    Lekker dag vir jou, en voorspoed met jou werk vir die toekoms, jy sal nog baie bereik met jou talent.
    Ek sal jou blog gereeld dophou!



  5. Baie geuk - jul fotos is fantasties, baie mooi detaal en kwaliteit.

    Koos & Liz Joubeert

  6. Stunning stunning stunning!!!!!!


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