23 April 2010 | Kosie and Mari | Eensgezind

What a great wedding to start this very busy weekend.  This was my first wedding of 3 over  this weekend.

As a lot of you know, I was a teacher before I started photography.  Mari was one of the pupils at my school. It is such a privilege to shoot their weddings.

This was a very special occasion in die Durbanville Farm community.  According to Mari's mother, this is the first wedding in 50 years between 2 farm owners' children from the district.  Kosie is from the farm, Altona  and Mari from Dasvlei.

Kosie and Mari had their ceremony at the NGK Philladelphia and their reception at the beautiful EENSGEZIND.   We did the photo shoot on Dasvlei.

I hope you enjoy their photos.  Please make a COMMENT at the end of the post.

DJ: DJ Dean (djdean@mailbox.co.za)
Definitely one of the best DJ's I have worked with.
Janecke was also one of the pupils at my school.  I did Janecke and Johan's photos a few months ago, click HERE to view their photos.

Tell me what you think...click on "COMMENT" to leave a message.



  1. Wat kan ek se? Wow!!! Dis pragtige foto's, Mossie jy het regtig mooi gelyk. Kosie jyt netjies gelyk.

  2. Wat kan ek se? Wow!!! Dis pragtige foto's, Mossie jy het regtig mooi gelyk. Kosie jyt netjies gelyk.

  3. Pragtig!!! Fotografie en kreatiwiteit maak my dag!!!

  4. Kosie het saam met my en Lea op Elsenburg studeer!... Klein wêreld!... Charl - weereens...BEAUTIFUL fotos van stunning mense.... :)

  5. WOW Charl! Weereens 'n stunning job gedoen... Baie geluk Mari en Kosie!


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